photos: shopflick
raquel allegra s/s 2009
.................................via fashionindie, via shopflick
i'm in love with these shredded jersey pieces & t.shirts
i've seen this before
& want to try it myself
i think it's a great way to recycle or reuse
all of those men's hanes & fruit-of-the-loom t.shirts that are in my drawer
& while i'm talking about t.shirts. . .
T by alexander wang
I've been watching her for awhile and started making one of those shirts several months ago. very fun process to do.
I'm more than a bit bothered by this model though. I know some people are just thin, but look at her legs and chest. this is beyond thin. it makes me shiver to look at her. her legs look like they might snap in two.
she is thin...but also probably 14 years old.
i also think it's the placement of the fabric in some of the shots--covering a bit of her hips...
her head is also extended forward, playing with the proportion a bit...
started a t-shirt today, and i love it!
time-consuming, but fun...i'm a sucker for tediousness! :)
all pretty amazing looks...about the bracelet cuffs, I was thinking for a lighter color maybe a cream anything that would contrast the beadwork. they are quite divine.
Holy shizzz I'm loving the asymmetrical lengths and draping! Ahhhmazing. :)
great idea this recycling!
thnks for link.
your choices are impeccable as usual. such a lovely blog you have!!! I don't want to miss a thing.
vogued out: stay tuned, i'm going to try to do some more cuffs...they take a while though
marchi ...thanks so much!!
wow. l o v i n g the shredded shirts..
very nice clothes! i love your blog - you always manage to find such amazing works!
are these leather leggings...can you tell me where I get them?
lovely ;O)
...i don't know where to get the leather 'leggings'. (sorry)
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